Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sad Eyes

When me, my big sis and my mom were still living in Bertam, we often feed the stray cats in the front of our house were plates of friskies, kibbles and all sorts of cat food and a pail of water, so any cat can have a free meal and never go hungry. There was this one particular female cat that will always come by in the morning (the time when i go to school), in the afternoon (when my mom and i get back from school) and at night (during our family time together) and will anxiously wait for us to refill the food bowl. She has the most saddest eyes that I've ever seen so my mom decided to call her "Sad Eyes" (ironic isn't it?)

Alas, my mom got to transfer back to our hometown "Taiping" and had to leave the cats behind (since their strays). We did felt guilty about leaving Sad eyes but well, she was a feral cat and would run away when we're too near.

A few weeks back, we had to go back to Bertam to pick up a few knick-knacks we had left behind..and look who we found siting in front of our previous doorstep? Sad Eyes of course! She never broke out of our daily routine of feeding her every morning, evening and night. Imagining the days where she was waiting every day in front of the doorstep waiting for the same familiar faces to feed her only to discover that when the door opened it was somebody else and with no cat food! It broke my heart. The current owner of our previous house said that she would always come by and wait in front of the door everyday and leave after a while. We felt guilty so we gave him a big Tupperware of kibbles and asked him to feed her whenever she comes by..hopefully she'll be fed and be treated kindly by him.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Here's our newest addition to the pack.."Wok" or as I like to call her "Kecik" since she's so frail and tiny. My dad found her beside a road in a plastic bag looking small and fragile. She's my mom's little sweetheart ant is constantly fret upon by my mom because she eats a lot but never gains a pound! She is also the object of amusement for Casper and Tiger as they constantly held fight nights every night, wrestling and yip-yipping when victorious. She hopes to follow Puff in her footsteps and become among the prettiest cats in the neighborhood but she'll have to be on Puff's "to be acknowleded list" first. Puff hates almost all the cats in the pack except her long-lost brother.
Presenting...."Casper"! The friendly cat! He looks like casper the friendly ghost doesn't he? My dad found him at the back of a Mamak store waiting for leftovers to flow out from the drainage pipe..he was filthy when my dad brought him home and I could've sworn his fur was actually brown rather than white! He loves playing around with Tiger and Wok and has a liking towards sun tanning under the sun. I also call him Edward Cullen because whenever he's under the blazing sun he'll squint his eyes! He's such a pretty boy but he usually forgot that he's white and will play around in my dad's tool shed thus turning him into a dalmatian
Here's "Tiger" or "Mie" in the flash!
We found him wondering around the neighborhood with paralyzed hind legs, so he drags them around and walks with his two front legs. Before we adopted him into the pack, he lived with his mother and often drags himself towards me whenever he sees me, I knew he wouldn't last long outside so my mother decided to take him in..a miracle happened, he was able to walk albeit with a few kinks in his steps within a week after some tender loving care!
This is "Astro" or affectionately known as "Lolo", he's our resident clown. We call him "Astro" because of his massive ears! He usually stays in the house because he knows that stokin is usually outside and ready to give him a good beating. He loves fish and is not too shy about begging in the wee hours of the morning in front of my door for fish. Unlike he's quieter companions, lolo is not afraid to speak his mind, he usually parades around the house yowling his furry little head off until someone acknowledges him much to the annoyance of nyenye.
Here's our own furry diva,"Puff" or "Nyenye", she's the 2nd oldest (next to stokin) and is often seen either hunting for helpless critters or lazing around next to my sister on our bed. She is a bit OCD about cleanliness and is usually seen licking her fur until perfection, if her fur's already clean and in a generous mood, she'll clean the others fur too. She shows animosity towards Lolo for whenever he walks close to her, she'll give him a good whack on the head and a loud yowl! Poor Lolo. She had a brother "Curry" but he was never seen again after he went out one day.
This is "stokin"or "tokin" for short,for now he's the leader of the pack and is often seen having a rendezvous with the female cats behind my house.He is often looked up to by his little siblings and is always seen giving advice to them.He hates "Lolo" because he thinks that Lolo is a wuss and often glares at lolo from a distance.He might big n tough on the outside but he's a lil' softy in the inside.He meows with a soft voice and never bit or scratch the youngsters to hard (except lolo)

I exist!!

Oh wow..been so long since I created this blog (I forgot that it existed lawlz)
Well..since I've graduated from school and have lots of free time on my hands..might as well liven up the blog,ne?
My little pretties are all hyped up about having their cute furry faces posted in my blog :D